Effects of remifentanil on pharyngeal swallowing and esophageal motility: no impact of different bolus volumes and partial antagonism by methylnaltrexone

Per Cajander, Taher Omari, Charles Cock, Anders Magnuson, Mika Scheinin, Johanna Savilampi

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7 Citations (Scopus)


Remifentanil impairs swallowing, and disturbed accommodation to bolus volume may be one of the underlying causes. It is not fully understood whether remifentanil-induced swallowing dysfunction is mediated by peripheral or central mechanisms. So, this study aimed to investigate if remifentanil-induced swallowing dysfunction is dependent on the bolus volume and whether the effect of remifentanil could be counteracted by methylnaltrexone, a peripherally acting opioid antagonist. Nineteen healthy volunteers were included in this double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover study. Study participants received target- controlled remifentanil infusions and placebo infusions in a randomized order. Methylnaltrexone was administered by intravenous injection of doses of 0.3 mg/kg. Recordings of pressure and impedance data were acquired using a combined manometry and impedance solid-state catheter. Data were analyzed from three series of bolus swallows, baseline, during study medication exposure, and 15 min after methylnaltrexone. Remifentanil induced significant effects on multiple pharyngeal and esophageal function parameters. No significant differences in remifentanil-induced swallowing dysfunction related to different bolus volumes were found. Pharyngeal effects of remifentanil were not significantly counteracted by methylnaltrexone, whereas on the distal esophageal level, effects on distension pressures were counteracted. Changes in pharyngeal and esophageal pressure flow variables were consistent with previous results on remifentanil-induced swallowing dysfunction and uniform across all bolus volumes. The effects of remifentanil on the pharyngeal level and on the proximal esophagus appear to be predominantly centrally mediated, whereas the effects of remifentanil on the distal esophagus may be mediated by both central and peripheral mechanisms.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)G367-G377
Number of pages11
JournalAmerican Journal of Physiology: Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2021


  • Esophageal motility
  • Methylnaltrexone
  • Pharyngeal swallowing
  • Remifentanil


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