Embedding resources into digital assessment rubrics: bringing ALL support directly to students at Flinders University

Grace Chipperfield, Lauren Butterworth, Pablo Munguia

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


This paper reports on the impact of embedding Academic Language and Learning (ALL) resources directly into assessment rubrics. Students are increasingly entering university via diverse pathways and with diverse levels of academic preparedness (Beatty et al., 2014; Goldingay et al., 2014). With many academics believing their role is to teach ‘content’ rather than academic skill development, responsibility for the development of academic literacies needed by students over the course of their degrees falls on the student or ALL units (Gunn et al., 2011; Huijser et al., 2008; Star & Hammer, 2008). As such, embedding academic resources and literacies into topics has become a common practice among ALL units, resulting in improvements in student learning (Hebdon, 2015; Maldoni, 2018). While various embedding models have been adopted in universities (Black & Rechter, 2013; De Maio & Desierto, 2016; Maldoni, 2017; Maldoni & Lear, 2016), few, if any, focus on direct embedding of ALL resources into assessment rubrics. At Flinders University, we are piloting this approach as a strategy to reach all learners and support student success. As of May 2021, we have embedded into assessments for 10 topics across the university, collecting data and feedback on student usage. This ongoing and expanding project studies the impact of the embedded rubrics and the implications for student success and retention, while mapping the landscape of academic learning and the skills required across disciplines and topics at Flinders. The findings should offer possibilities for adoption and further research across higher education institutions and ALL units.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2021
Event15th Biennial Association for Academic Language and Learning Conference: Diversity, Distance, Digitalisation: Inclusive and supportive practices in ALL - College of Indigenous Futures, Education and the Arts at Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Australia
Duration: 17 Nov 202119 Nov 2021


Conference15th Biennial Association for Academic Language and Learning Conference
Abbreviated titleAALL Conference 2021
Internet address


  • Academic Language and Learning (ALL)
  • Assessment rubrics
  • Higher education
  • Academic literacies


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