Ending homelessness: culturally safe practices: Fact sheet 5 of 9

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This fact sheet is one in a suite which together makes up Ending homelessness: a toolkit for local government. Ending homelessness: a toolkit for local government has been funded by the LGA South Australia as a practical resource for councils across South Australia to refer to in supporting community and council efforts to end homelessness.

The toolkit has been developed in consultation with the LGA, councils and stakeholders advancing end homelessness efforts in SA, nationally and beyond. The fact sheets synthesise what we know from the ever evolving academic and practice evidence about homelessness and how we can end it. The toolkit has been designed with both regional and metropolitan councils in mind. The fact sheets are sensitive to the different contexts in which councils operate, the ways in which homelessness presents for people and within communities and knowing that councils and communities are all at different stages in their ending homelessness journeys
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
Place of PublicationAdelaide, South Australia
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2024


  • Homelessness
  • Local government
  • South Australia


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