Establishing new medical schools in diverse contexts: A novel conceptual framework for success

Sneha Kirubakaran, Koshila Kumar, Paul Worley, Joanne Pimlott, Jennene Greenhill

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Background: Establishing a new medical school is a significant venture involving many complex political, social, economic, educational, and organisational considerations. The published literature on the process of establishing a new medical school is, however, under-developed with minimal empirical research and no explicit reference to theory. This research sought to address these gaps and establish an empirical and theoretical evidence-base for the process of new medical school establishment in diverse contexts, particularly medically under-served areas. 

Methods: A Critical Realist Multiple Case Study was undertaken to examine the establishment of new medical schools across three continents. Data were collected between 2016 and 2018 through observational data gathered on site visits to three medical schools in medically under-served areas, relevant documents/audio-visual materials, and semi-structured interviews with key founding personnel. Data were analysed using the Critical Realist approach. Institutional Entrepreneurship theory was applied, adapted, and extended to explore and explain the phenomenon of new medical school establishment in diverse contexts. 

Results: This study identifies eight critical success factors underpinning new medical school establishment. Framed as the Eight C's Framework (8CF), these factors include Context (field conditions), Catalysts (institutional entrepreneurs), Conducing (helping to bring about a particular situation or outcome), Collecting (resources), Connecting (relationships), Convincing (rationales), Challenges, and Consequences (outcomes). 8CF highlights that new medical schools are successfully established when Catalysts act within their Contexts to undertake the tasks of Conducing, Convincing, Collecting, and Connecting in order to produce desired Consequences and overcome Challenges. 

Conclusions: The Eight C's Framework is a theory-based, empirically supported framework that can be applied across different contexts to strategically guide the successful establishment of new medical schools. Founding leaders and stakeholders could use 8CF to ensure their establishment efforts are underpinned by theory and scholarship.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)25-36
Number of pages12
JournalMedical Education
Issue number1
Early online date27 May 2024
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2025


  • Medical school
  • Education
  • Practical study
  • Eight C's Framework


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