Evidence for a multidimensional account of cognitive and affective theory of mind: A state-trace analysis

Amy L. Jarvis, Hannah A.D. Keage, Stephanie Wong, Michael Weightman, Rachel G. Stephens

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Theory of mind (ToM) has been argued to be a multidimensional construct, with ToM inferences depending on distinct processes across affective and cognitive ToM tasks and across first-order cognitive and second-order cognitive ToM tasks. Behavioural evidence for a multidimensional account has primarily depended on dissociations identified via analysis of variance, a statistical approach insufficient for assessing dimensionality. Instead, state-trace analysis (STA) is a more appropriate statistical technique to uncover dimensionality. The current study first applied STA to two summary datasets that had previously identified key dissociations between cognitive and affective ToM; these reanalyses did not support a multidimensional account of ToM. Next, STA was applied to a more detailed dataset to reveal whether ToM is based on multiple processes in a sample of 115 older adults aged 60–85 years (M = 68.5, SD = 5.92, 61.7% female) with higher or lower emotion perception ability. Participants made ToM judgements about different social exchanges (e.g., sarcasm or lying). STA results supported a multidimensional account of ToM across first-order cognitive, second-order cognitive, and affective ToM subdomains. These results lay a more rigorous foundation for subsequent studies to further examine the dimensionality of ToM and to apply formal modelling, progressing the field’s understanding and measurement of the cognitive processes driving ToM judgements.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)525-535
Number of pages11
JournalMemory & Cognition
Issue number3
Early online date28 Nov 2023
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2024


  • Affective
  • Emotion
  • Social cognition
  • State-trace analysis
  • Theory of mind


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