Experiences and impacts of out-of-pocket healthcare expenditure on remote Aboriginal families

Courtney Ryder, Shane D'Angelo, Patrick Sharpe, Tamara Mackean, Nayia Cominos, Julieann Coombes, Keziah Bennett-Brook, Darryl Cameron, Emily Gloede, Shahid Ullah, Jacqueline Stephens

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INTRODUCTION: Aboriginal Australians face significant health disparities, with hospitalisation rates 2.3 times greater, and longer hospital length of stay, than non-Indigenous Australians. This additional burden impacts families further through out-of-pocket healthcare expenditure (OOPHE), which includes additional healthcare expenses not covered by universal taxpayer insurance. Aboriginal patients traveling from remote locations are likely to be impacted further by OOPHE. The objective of this study was to examine the impacts and burden of OOPHE for rurally based Aboriginal individuals. 

METHODS: Participants were recruited through South Australian community networks to participate in this study. Decolonising methods of yarning and deep listening were used to centralise local narratives and language of OOPHE. Qualitative analysis software was used to thematically code transcripts and organise data. 

RESULTS: A total of seven yarning sessions were conducted with 10 participants. Seven themes were identified: travel, barriers to health care, personal and social loss, restricted autonomy, financial strain, support initiatives and protective factors. Sleeping rough, selling assets and not attending appointments were used to mitigate or avoid OOPHE. Government initiatives, such as the patient assistance transport scheme, did little to decrease OOPHE burden on participants. Family connections, Indigenous knowledges and engagement with cultural practices were protective against OOPHE burden. 

CONCLUSION: Aboriginal families are significantly burdened by OOPHE when needing to travel for health care. Radical change of government initiative and policies through to health professional awareness is needed to ensure equitable healthcare access that does not create additional financial hardship in communities already experiencing economic disadvantage.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8328
Number of pages9
JournalRural and Remote Health
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 26 Apr 2024


  • affordability
  • Australia
  • healthcare expenditure
  • Aboriginal


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