FactCheck: do ‘over a million’ people in Australia not speak English ‘well or at all’?

Ingrid Piller, Amanda Muller

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle

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A growing number of people in Australia cannot speak English well or at all, over a million people.
One Nation Party leader and Senator for Queensland Pauline Hanson is urging a rethink on Australia’s immigration policy, including changes to the “number and mix” of migrants coming to the country.
In a Senate speech, Hanson outlined a number of concerns she has with what she described as Australia’s “failed immigration policy”, including issues with social integration and the establishment of “culturally separate communities”.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Specialist publicationThe Conversation
Publication statusPublished - 18 Sept 2018


  • FactCheck
  • English language
  • Pauline Hanson
  • immigration policy
  • Language skills
  • Language in society
  • Social integration


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