Financial toxicity and employment status in cancer survivors. A systematic literature review

Floortje Mols, Bianca Tomalin, Alison Pearce, Billingsley Kaambwa, Bogda Koczwara

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Background: Financial toxicity has traditionally been attributed to the rising costs of cancer care. As ability to work impacts one’s financial situation, limited employment and reduced income may also contribute to financial toxicity. We examined evidence of the association between financial toxicity and employment status in cancer survivors. Methods: A systematic literature review was performed via PubMed, Web of Science, CINAHL, and PsycINFO with search terms including “Cancer,” “Financial toxicity,” and “Employment” on September 25, 2019. Results: Thirty-one papers met eligibility criteria. Thirteen studies were rated as having high quality, 16 as adequate, and two as low. Being actively treated for cancer had serious negative consequences on employment and medical expenditures. Unemployment, changed or reduced employment, lost days at work, poor work ability, and changes to employment were associated with a higher risk of financial toxicity. Patients who were younger, non-white, unmarried, of low education, living with dependents, residing in non-metropolitan service areas, with lower income, and of low socioeconomic status were more at risk of financial toxicity. Other variables associated with financial toxicity included having a mortgage/personal loan, higher out of pocket costs and household bills, limited health insurance, more severely ill, on active treatment, and lower functioning or quality of life. Conclusion: Cancer negatively affects employment, and these changes are significant contributors to financial toxicity. Researchers, healthcare professionals, and patients themselves should all cooperate to tackle these complex issues.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5693-5708
Number of pages16
JournalSupportive Care in Cancer
Issue number12
Early online date31 Aug 2020
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2020

Bibliographical note

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  • Cancer survivors
  • Costs
  • Employment
  • Financial toxicity


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