Five Factors for Effective Policy to Improve Attitudes towards People with Disability

Christiane Purcal, Jan Idle, Karen R. Fisher, Sally Robinson, Gianfranco Giuntoli, Christy E. Newman

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Improving community attitudes and behaviours is core to improving inclusion for people with disability. To identify ways to achieve such change, we analysed data from qualitative interviews with sixty-one expert stakeholders in Australia, informed by our preceding literature review on effective interventions. We identified five themes describing factors with the potential to change attitudes and behaviours to improve inclusion and reduce discrimination: ensuring people with disability have active presence across all life domains; leadership by people with disability, together with organisational and governmental leadership that values the diverse contribution of people with disability; a holistic approach to policy and interventions that targets multiple levels of change; long-term and adequately resourced initiatives to achieve structural and sustained change; and commitment to measuring and monitoring change interventions, to inform decisions and maintain accountability.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages14
JournalSocial Policy and Society
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 13 Sept 2024


  • Attitudes
  • disabilities
  • inclusion
  • leadership
  • policy intervention


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