For some life is a stage! Adolescents and the imaginary audience

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I think the spot is a boil. Just my luck to have it where everybody can see it. I pointed out to my mother that I hadn't had any vitamin C today. She said, 'Go and buy an orange, then'. This is typical. (Townsend, 1985) As reflected in the above quote, early adolescence can be a tough time, accompanied as it is by marked changes in thinking and reasoning abilities and often dramatic physical changes in appearance. Parents and teachers are only too well aware that adolescents, particularly young adolescents, frequently display a heightened sensitivity to any possible criticism or evaluation at this stage in their life. Developmental studies (e.g. Denholm & Chabassol 1987) are of crucial importance in highlighting the pressures facing Australian youth in our present society. Such studies can Youth Studies Australia Winter 1993 by Phillip Slee provide parents and teachers among others with guidelines for understanding and dealing with adolescents' concerns. As one mother commented to the author about life with her 13- year-old daughter: "It's like walking on egg-shells!"
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)31-33
Number of pages3
JournalYouth Studies Australia
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 1993


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