From Bad Apples to Zombies? Walking Dead Leadership in the Contemporary University

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Leadership remains an open sewer of assumptions, ego, platitudes and potential. When contextualized within an international university sector struggling and grasping to find a purpose, leadership becomes toxic and dangerous. This article reactivates, challenges and then transforms Ulrich Beck’s zombie concept and applies it to university leadership, management and administration. I probe the renegotiation of power and identity, with particular attention to recent scandals and appointments of university ‘leaders.’ This article also signals a movement from cosmopolitan sociology to claustropolitan cultural studies, repositioning leadership in universities at the end of the world.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)125-140
Number of pages16
JournalFast Capitalism
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • higher education studies
  • zombie studies
  • educational leadership
  • neoliberalism


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