Functional polymers as nanoscopic building blocks

J. L. Hernandez-Lopez, R. E. Bauer, W. S. Chang, G. Glasser, D. Grebel-Koehler, M. Klapper, M. Kreiter, J. Leclaire, J. P. Majoral, S. Mittler, K. Müllen, K. Vasilev, T. Weil, J. Wu, T. Zhu, W. Knoll

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

44 Citations (Scopus)


Polyphenylene dendrimers are introduced as polymeric building blocks-with a strictly monodisperse particle size distribution within the nanometer range-for the construction of nanostructured materials and devices. The possibility for the introduction of different functionalities in the core, the scaffold or the periphery of the dendrimers offer their use as interesting modules for photonic, electronic or bioactive structures and supramolecular functional assemblies. Thus, dendrimers complement the available set of nanoscopic building blocks made from metals, e.g., Au nanoclusters and semiconductors, e.g., luminescent quantum dots. In a first set of experiments, we describe the fabrication of multilayer architectures using dendrimers with chargeable groups at the surface. This way, the polyelectrolyte deposition technique can be applied for the construction of hybrid layered assemblies with a control of the internal supramolecular structure at the nanometer level. Surface plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy is used to monitor the luminescent properties of dendrimers with a phthalocyanine core integrated into such a multilayer assembly. AFM and SEM micrographs demonstrate the use of surface-functionalized dendrimers (exposing sulfur groups at the periphery) in combination with Au nanoparticles for the controlled assembly of hybrid aggregates as nanoscopic functional devices.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)267-274
Number of pages8
JournalMaterials Science and Engineering C
Issue number1-2
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jan 2003
Externally publishedYes


  • Dendrimers
  • Multilayers assemblies
  • Nanotechnology
  • Surface plasmon spectroscopy


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