Game Sense w/ Dr. Shane Pill: (think TGfU but different)

Research output: Non-textual formFilm, Digital Media or Visual Output


This episode discusses a collaborative action research project with Dr. Pill and an Australian Rules Football Coach who enacted a Game Sense Approach to his coaching. The podcast explains what Game Sense is (similar but different from TGfU and Tactical Games) and discusses coaching, and the crossover that teachers can have while implementing these approaches into a PE setting. Shane Pill (@Pilly66) is an Associate Professor at Flinders University in Adelaide Australia. Shane is the author of six books on the concept of Play with Purpose using a Game Sense approach for PE teaching and sport coaching. He has also published the text Perspectives on Athlete Centred Coaching. Shane was a major contributing writer to the Cricket Australia S'Cool Cricket resource, the Tennis Australia game-based Primary and Secondary Schools Tennis resources, and the revised AFL Sport Education program. He has published over 100 scholarly and academic papers, and is an internationally popular speaker and workshop presenter. You can access the Paper Here: Stephen Harvey (@drstephenharvey)'s podcast can be found on iTunes and also here It's called "Positive Pedagogy for Sport Coaching
Original languageEnglish
Publisher Playing with Research in Health and Physical Education
Media of outputOnline
Size45 mins.
Publication statusPublished - 26 Mar 2019


  • Podcast
  • Physical education
  • game semse


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