Genome sequences of the ethanol-tolerant lactobacillus vini strains LMG 23202T and JP7.8.9

Brígida Thaís Luckwu de Lucena, Genivaldo G.Z. Silva, Billy Manoel dos Santos, Graciela M. Dias, Gilda Rose S. Amaral, Ana Paula B. Moreira, Marcos Antônio de Morais Júnior, Bas E. Dutilh, Robert A. Edwards, Valdir Balbino, Cristiane C. Thompson, Fabiano L. Thompson

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate

10 Citations (Scopus)


We report on the genome sequences of Lactobacillus vini type strain LMG 23202T (DSM 20605) (isolated from fermenting grape musts in Spain) and the industrial strain L. vini JP7.8.9 (isolated from a bioethanol plant in northeast Brazil). All contigs were assembled using gsAssembler, and genes were predicted and annotated using Rapid Annotation using Subsystem Technology (RAST). The identified genome sequence of LMG 23202T had 2.201.333 bp, 37.6% G+C, and 1,833 genes, whereas the identified genome sequence of JP7.8.9 had 2.301.037 bp, 37.8% G+C, and 1,739 genes. The gene repertoire of the species L. vini offers promising opportunities for biotechnological applications.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3018
Number of pages1
JournalJournal of Bacteriology
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2012
Externally publishedYes


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