Global concerns of dental and oral health workers during COVID-19 outbreak: a scope study on the concerns and the coping strategies

Peivand Bastani, Mohammadtaghi Mohammadpour, Arash Ghanbarzadegan, Kostas Kapellas, Loc Giang Do

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Background: Dental and oral health workers have direct contact with respiratory aerosols of patients during procedures. This study aimed to determine the main concerns of dental and oral health workers globally during COVID-19 outbreaks and the coping strategies that help the resilience of dental and oral healthcare system. Methods: This scoping study was conducted in August 2020. After adjusting the search strategy, a systematic search of five databases (PubMed, ISI Web of Science, Scopus, ProQuest and EMBASE) was conducted. Data was extracted using Microsoft Excel and the contents of retrieved articles were analysed through a qualitative thematic analysis applying MAX QDA10. Results: Most articles were either editorial/letters to the editor/commentary formats (34%), or literature reviews (26%). About half of the articles belonged to three countries of Italy, China and the USA (each 16% and totally 48%). Thematic analysis of included papers led to the identification of four main global concerns and 19 sub-concerns. Economic, ethical, social and professional concerns are among dental and oral health concerns. Other results indicate on three main themes and 13 sub-themes as the coping strategies including patient management, infection control and virtual strategies. Conclusion: Dental and oral health care workers have many concerns relating to COVID-19 including economic, ethical, social and professional factors. Resolution of concerns may involve enhancing coping strategies relating to patient management and infection control strategies as well as using new technologies for virtual contact with the patient without any risk of infection.

Original languageEnglish
Article number45
Number of pages9
JournalSystematic Reviews
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • Coping strategy
  • COVID-19
  • Dental health
  • Global concern
  • Oral health


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