Going the extra (s)mile: Countermeasures to emotional labour dysregulation in Australian reef tourism

Anja Pabel, Anjum Naweed, Sally Ferguson, Amy Reynolds

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Emotional labour is important to the performance of interactive service work in the tourism industry. However, emotional labour dysregulation, defined as a difficulty in managing emotions in daily routines, may lead to negative outcomes. This study aimed to fill an important gap by gaining a better understanding of perceived countermeasures for effectively managing emotional labour dysregulation in tourism workers. Using snowball sampling to recruit participants, eight focus groups were conducted with 42 reef workers in Cairns (Australia), using a novel scenario-based technique for knowledge elicitation. Findings outline countermeasures to emotional labour dysregulation according to two themes: (1) individual-level strategies, and (2) broader system factors. Both themes deal with the demands of emotional labour. Knowledge about countermeasures to emotional labour dysregulation has the potential to support employees and in turn influence positive tourism experiences which can help the industry to achieve business success and positive customer reviews.
Original languageEnglish
Article number100989
Number of pages12
JournalTourism Management Perspectives
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2022


  • Emotional labour dysregulation
  • Tourism worker
  • Employee strategies
  • Job-related strategies
  • Countermeasures
  • Great barrier reef


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