Guest editorial: Application of cloud energy storage systems in power systems

Amin Mahmoudi, Rahmatollah Khezri, Ali Bidram, Mohammad Khooban, Hirohisa Aki, Kaveh Khalilpour, Hussein Abdeltawab, S. M. Muyeen

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Cloud energy storage system (CESS) technology is a novel idea to eliminate the distributed energy storage systems from the consumers into a cloud service centre, where CESS acts as a virtual energy storage capacity instead of the actual devices. The power and energy of several distributed energy storages are combined using a CESS to assure providing storage services for small consumers. A CESS is a shared pool of grid-scale energy storage systems to reduce the cost of energy storage services in the power system which can increase the penetration level of onsite distributed renewable energy sources, reduce the electricity bills of consumers, and provide flexibility to the power grid by reducing the peak loads.

The current Special Issue aims to explore technologies, methodologies, and solutions to develop CESSs with an efficient, secure, and stable operation of power systems.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1687-1689
Number of pages3
JournalIET Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Issue number8
Early online date9 Feb 2023
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2023


  • Cloud energy storage system (CESS)
  • Energy storage systems
  • renewable energy


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