Guest Editorial: Psychological wellbeing and distress in higher education

Abi Brooker, Lydia Woodyatt

Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

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Many universities around the world have now initiated wellbeing strategies that encompass psychological wellbeing. These resources can be leveraged for change to better support students. Associate Professor Lydia Woodyatt from Flinders University, Adelaide and Dr Abi Brooker from the University of Melbourne are guest editors for this very special issue which includes a collection of articles from scholars and practitioners in Australia, Canada, the US, UK and Germany addressing student (and staff) psychological wellbeing in higher education. Broadly, articles discuss the scope of mental wellbeing and psychological distress, identify specific cohorts (including international students and refugees), profile targeted means of support (via the curriculum, the co-curriculum and strategic policy and planning initiatives) and also identify the need for ‘psychological literacy’ via leadership.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)i-vi
Number of pages7
JournalStudent Success
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • wellbeing
  • higher education
  • mental health
  • psychological distress
  • STARS Conference


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