Health needs, treatment decisions and experience of traditional complementary and integrative medicine use by women with diminished ovarian reserve: A cross-sectional survey

Alison Maunder, Susan Arentz, Mike Armour, Michael F Costello, Carolyn Ee

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Background: Women with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) have fewer eggs than would be expected at their age. It is estimated that 10% of women seeking fertility treatment are diagnosed with DOR. However, the success rate of medically assisted reproduction (MAR) is significantly lower in women with DOR, thus many seek additional approaches. 

Aim: To explore the health needs of women with DOR, treatment options and experience of treatment including traditional complementary integrative medicine (TCIM). 

Methods: Anyone with a diagnosis of DOR, living in Australia or New Zealand, aged over 18 were invited to complete an online survey distributed via fertility support networks and social media platforms from April to December 2021. 

Results: Data from 67 respondents were included. The main aspects of health that were impacted by DOR were fertility (91.0%) and mental health (52.2%). The main treatment recommended was MAR with most women either currently using MAR (38.8%) or having previously used MAR (37.3%). TCIM was widely used with 88.1% of women utilising supplements, 74.6% consulting with TCIM practitioners, and 65.7% adopting self-care practices. The main reasons for using TCIM were to improve fertility or support pregnancy, and to support general health and well-being. 

Conclusions: Women with DOR have additional health needs apart from infertility, most notably mental health support. The main form of treatment utilised is MAR, despite DOR being challenging for fertility clinicians. TCIM was widely used, and respondents perceived benefits related to improving fertility, supporting pregnancy, or improving well-being through use of acupuncture, meditation, naturopathy, massage, yoga.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)390-398
Number of pages9
JournalAustralian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Issue number4
Early online date21 Mar 2024
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2024
Externally publishedYes


  • diminished ovarian reserve
  • fertility
  • mental health
  • traditional complementary integrative medicine
  • women's experience


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