Hematomas of at least 5 cm and outcomes in patients undergoing elective percutaneous coronary intervention: Insights from the SafeTy and Efficacy of Enoxaparin in PCI patients, an internationaL randomized Evaluation (STEEPLE) trial

Harvey White, Philip Aylward, Richard Gallo, Christoph Bode, Gabriel Steg, Steven Steinhubl, Gilles Montalescot

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    28 Citations (Scopus)


    Background: Major bleeding significantly impacts outcomes in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). No uniform definitions exist for major and minor bleeding. Hematomas ≥5 cm at the femoral puncture site are considered major bleeding events in some trials and minor in others. Limited information is available on the incidence and clinical relevance of hematomas ≥5 cm in PCI patients. Methods: Data from the STEEPLE trial in patients undergoing elective PCI were used to assess the impact of hematomas ≥5 cm on ischemic outcomes (mortality, nonfatal myocardial infarction, or urgent target vessel revascularization) up to day 30 and all-cause 1-year mortality. Hematoma data were available for 3,342 of 3,528 patients in STEEPLE. Patients with (n = 103) and without (n = 3,239) hematomas ≥5 cm were evenly distributed across treatment groups. Results: No differences were observed in 30-day ischemic outcomes between patients with and without hematomas (5.8% vs 5.9%, respectively; P = .96). No transfusions were observed in patients with hematomas as compared with patients without hematomas (0% and 0.4%, respectively; P = .52). A greater reduction in hemoglobin was observed (pre- vs post-PCI) in patients with hematomas as compared with patients without hematomas (-0.84 vs -0.35 g/L, P ≤ .001). No significant difference in all-cause 1-year mortality was observed between patients with and without hematomas (0.0% vs 1.7%, P = .98). Conclusions: After PCI, hematomas ≥5 cm had no effect on 30-day ischemic events or 1-year mortality. Although there is no agreed classification for large hematomas, the lack of a relationship between hematomas ≥5 cm and clinical outcome after PCI justifies the classification of these hematomas as minor bleeds in STEEPLE.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)110-116
    Number of pages7
    JournalAmerican Heart Journal
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - Jan 2010


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