Host Association and Spatial Proximity Shape but Do Not Constrain Population Structure in the Mutualistic Symbiont Xenorhabdus bovienii

Bhavya Papudeshi, Douglas B. Rusch, David VanInsberghe, Curtis M. Lively, Robert A. Edwards, Farrah Bashey

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To what extent are generalist species cohesive evolutionary units rather than a compilation of recently diverged lineages? We examine this question in the context of host specificity and geographic structure in the insect pathogen and nematode mutualist Xenorhabdus bovienii. This bacterial species partners with multiple nematode species across two clades in the genus Steinernema. We sequenced the genomes of 42 X. bovienii strains isolated from four different nematode species and three field sites within a 240-km2 region and compared them to globally available reference genomes. We hypothesized that X. bovienii would comprise several host-specific lineages, such that bacterial and nematode phylogenies would be largely congruent. Alternatively, we hypothesized that spatial proximity might be a dominant signal, as increasing geographic distance might lower shared selective pressures and opportunities for gene flow. We found partial support for both hypotheses. Isolates clustered largely by nematode host species but did not strictly match the nematode phylogeny, indicating that shifts in symbiont associations across nematode species and clades have occurred. Furthermore, both genetic similarity and gene flow decreased with geographic distance across nematode species, suggesting differentiation and constraints on gene flow across both factors, although no absolute barriers to gene flow were observed across the regional isolates. Several genes associated with biotic interactions were found to be undergoing selective sweeps within this regional population. The interactions included several insect toxins and genes implicated in microbial competition. Thus, gene flow maintains cohesiveness across host associations in this symbiont and may facilitate adaptive responses to a multipartite selective environment. 


Microbial populations and species are notoriously hard to delineate. We used a population genomics approach to examine the population structure and the spatial scale of gene flow in Xenorhabdus bovienii, an intriguing species that is both a specialized mutualistic symbiont of nematodes and a broadly virulent insect pathogen. We found a strong signature of nematode host association, as well as evidence for gene flow connecting isolates associated with different nematode host species and collected from distinct study sites. Furthermore, we saw signatures of selective sweeps for genes involved with nematode host associations, insect pathogenicity, and microbial competition. Thus, X. bovienii exemplifies the growing consensus that recombination not only maintains cohesion but can also allow the spread of niche-beneficial alleles.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0043423
Number of pages16
Issue number3
Early online date8 May 2023
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2023


  • generalists
  • host specificity
  • host-microbe
  • population structure
  • spatial structuring
  • symbiont


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