How can symbiosis enhance clinical education?

Amy Seymour-Walsh, Koshila Kumar

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


    Supporting quality clinical teaching and learning requires a fine balance between meeting the priorities of multiple stakeholders and sectors such as the university, the health service, students and teachers.

    The symbiotic clinical education framework was employed as the basis of an interdisciplinary, post-graduate clinical education course for health professionals to consider the key relationships within their own clinical setting.

    Clinical education is most effective when it is mutually beneficial to all stakeholders. Health Professions educators from a variety of backgrounds come together in this course and grapple with the practical aspects of their role.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages3
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    EventAustralia and New Zealand Prevocational Medical Education Forum: Singing from the same songsheet: team work - International Convention Centre, Brisbane, Australia
    Duration: 12 Nov 201715 Dec 2017
    Conference number: 22nd


    ConferenceAustralia and New Zealand Prevocational Medical Education Forum
    Abbreviated titleANZPMEF 2017
    OtherThe 2017 theme for this forum draws its inspiration from the team work required in orchestras, bands and choirs. Not only is team work essential to effective clinical practice, it is essential to effective medical education.

    This forum includes presentations by international keynote speakers and nationally recognised experts as well as abstract reviewed presentations and workshops from personnel across New Zealand and Australia.

    Join the more than 500 delegates expected to attend including junior doctors, medical students, clinical and term supervisors, Directors of Prevocational Education and Training and Directors of Clinical Training, Medical Education Officers, key support team members in workforce and recruitment, Medical College representatives, Postgraduate medical council representatives, Health Department representatives, and medical executive personnel from hospitals and other training facilities.


    • Clinical teaching
    • symbiotic clinical education
    • Health professionals


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