How do we know we make a difference? Evaluation of the nurses [HUB]

Deborah Rawlings, Jennifer Tieman

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


    Nurses are the largest group in the health
    workforce and provide most of the direct
    patient and family care. CareSearch
    launched a nurses[HUB] in August 2010 to
    support nurses providing palliative care in
    any setting.
    Anecdotal evidence and website statistics
    indicated use and uptake of the information in
    the nurses[HUB]. However, in order to look
    formally at the impact and effectiveness of
    the nurses[HUB], an evaluation strategy was
    developed in conjunction with an external
    evaluation partner, the Centre for Health
    Services Development at University of
    Wollongong. This was implemented seven
    months following the launch.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    Event11th Australian Palliative Care Conference: Diversity - Cairns, Australia
    Duration: 30 Aug 20112 Sept 2011
    Conference number: 11th


    Conference11th Australian Palliative Care Conference


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