How Flinders U makes on-line enabling a happy place: the programmes’ learning to learn focus, helps students success as independent learners

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


On-line Enabling programs, which have been dubbed ‘uncomfortable spaces’, raise legitimate questions around the neo-liberal nature of higher education versus the importance of equity, access and widening participation. Is delivering this type of programme on-line a cost-efficient grab for more students or a genuine opportunity to reach students who, for many reasons, have been educationally excluded or marginalised?

Could a programme, intentionally and thoughtfully designed to navigate that uncomfortable on-line space, achieve improved student outcomes and an enhanced student experience? COVID-19 gave us a forced opportunity to re-design our enabling programme across multiple delivery modes and guess what: it works...
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Specialist publicationCampus Morning Mail
Publication statusPublished - 29 May 2022


  • Higher education
  • Enabling programs
  • Access
  • Equity
  • Participation


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