Impact of CALL Professional Development for EFL materials on teacher agency and technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) in Indonesian Islamic Schools

Dana Kristiawan, Carol Carter, Michelle Picard

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


The Indonesian English Foreign Language (EFL) curriculum emphasizes using technology to enrich learning and teaching processes and encourages teachers to supplement the curriculum with context-relevant materials. However, little attention is given to the voices of teachers in implementing Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) for teaching English, especially how to elaborate technology, pedagogy, and content in Islamic schools where context and teacher agency remain underexplored. To fill this gap, we conducted professional development workshops to support teachers in Islamic school settings in their development of technological and pedagogical content knowledge. Twenty-one Islamic English teachers were involved in developing materials that supplemented the textbook used in Indonesian Islamic schools and at the same time introduced online and digital technologies into the EFL classroom. Drawing on Participatory Action Research (PAR), the data collected consisted of pre-and post-reflective journals, focus group discussion, field notes, participants assignment artefacts, and were analysed by thematic analysis. Our findings identified that the teachers enhanced their agency as material developers to utilize technology and pedagogy in EFL language teaching. Meanwhile, in terms of their content knowledge integration in TPACK in action, teachers integrated their cultural and religious background into materials, and this increased their confidence. This study also reports on challenges developing and sustaining TPACK.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)20-42
Number of pages23
JournalTeaching English with Technology
Issue number3-4
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
  • Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)
  • local content
  • teacher agency
  • Islamic schools
  • Computer-assisted language learning (call)
  • Local content
  • Technological pedagogical content knowledge (tpack)
  • Teacher agency


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