Induced temperature gradients to characterise preferential groundwater flowpaths in open boreholes

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Techniques that are used to characterise the hydraulic properties and groundwater flow processes of aquifers are essential to the design of hydrogeologic conceptual models. Solute dilution and tracer injection tests, heat pulse and impeller flow meters have been used for hydrostratigraphic characterisation. There are relatively few techniques that can be used to measure ambient conditions within a groundwater well without disturbing the fluid profile. Rapid time series temperature profiles within open-groundwater wells were measured using distributed temperature sensing (DTS).
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 18 Sept 2012
Event39th International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress - , Canada
Duration: 16 Sept 201121 Sept 2012 (Brief conference description and call for abstracts) (Congress program and abstracts)


Conference39th International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress
Abbreviated titleIAH 2012 Congress
OtherThe Canadian National Chapter of IAH is pleased to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the formation of the International Association of Hydrogeologists in Canada by hosting the 39th IAH Congress in Niagara Falls between 16 and 21 September, 2012.

The Congress will see the world’s hydrogeological community come together to discuss a wide variety of new and evolving hydrogeological issues and opportunities that include:

Energy and Climate Change
Groundwater Resource Analysis and Management
Groundwater / Surface Water Interaction (Ecohydrology)
Groundwater Quality
Karst Hydrogeology
General Hydrogeology and Geotechnique
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