International Crimes

Marinella Marmo, Grant Niemann

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


During the course of the 20th century more than 100 million
people died in armed conflicts. The single worst conflict was World War II
where 50 million people died. Many of those killed were not soldiers but
unarmed civilians. State sponsored campaigns, such as the Holocaust, were
responsible for the death of vast numbers of people. Unfortunately, World
War II did not see the end of these mass killings, as many people have also
lost their lives during armed conflicts following that war. Examples of these
mass killings include 3 million people killed during the Korean War 1950-
1953, 3 million in the Vietnam war (1964- 1973), 11 million during “Mao’s
Cultural Revolution” (1966), 1.7 million under the Khmer Rouge regime
in Cambodia (1975- 1979), 260,000 in the Yugoslavia wars (1992- 1996) and
900,000 during Rwanda’s civil war (1994). The many other conflicts that took
place since 1945 count thousands upon thousands of victims as a direct result...
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCrime and Justice
Subtitle of host publicationa guide to criminology
EditorsDerek Dalton, Willem de Lint, Darren Palmer
PublisherThomson Reuters
Number of pages23
ISBN (Print)9780455244211
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • war crimes
  • crimes against humanity
  • genocide
  • international criminal law
  • international criminal courts
  • sovereign nation-states
  • international community
  • global civil society


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