International experiences of implementing the Fundamentals of Care Framework in nursing curricula

Krystle Waltrovitz, Tiffany Conroy, Rebecca Feo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


OBJECTIVES: To explore university-based nurse educators' experiences of implementing the Fundamentals of Care Framework in nursing curricula. 

METHODS: A qualitative research design employing interpretative phenomenological analysis was used. Data were collected via semi-structured interviews with eight nursing educators in five different countries. 

RESULTS: The analysis identified three main themes: (1) Participants' positive experiences when utilising the framework to link theory to practice; (2) strategies for implementing the framework, including considering the context for teaching, introducing the relationship dimension of the framework first, utilising case-based learning, and integrating the framework into laboratory skills sessions; and (3) limited availability of teaching and learning resources, highlighting the need for further resource availability. 

CONCLUSIONS: This study has generated new knowledge from the perspectives of university-based nursing educators. Several strategies have been identified resulting in the formation of recommendations to help guide nurse educators. The Fundamentals of Care Framework was developed to address global deficits in how patients' fundamental care needs are addressed. The knowledge from this study can assist nurse educators from different countries to implement the framework into nursing curricula. Utilising the framework in nursing curricula could help to transform nursing practice, by assisting nursing students to identify and meet their patients' fundamental care needs.

Original languageEnglish
Article number20240048
Number of pages13
JournalInternational journal of nursing education scholarship
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2024


  • fundamentals of care
  • fundamentals of care framework
  • nursing curricula
  • nursing education
  • nursing educators


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