International Policing Missions: Establishing Trustworthy Policing in Low-trust Environments

Andrew Goldsmith, Vandra Harris

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)


    In this chapter, we explore everyday understandings of trust among a group
    of Australian police peacekeepers and capacity-builders in international
    police missions. Their views provide some insight into how international
    police personnel approach their work in missions, including how they deal
    with local police counterparts and local people, and how they assess the
    effectiveness and relevance of what they do. Their ability to work in these
    environments, it will emerge, is frequently expressed in terms of trust—the
    need to build trust among local people, the need to establish trust with
    the local police to whom they are providing training or other forms of
    assistance. Conversely, the difficulties that these foreign police face is often seen by them as reflective of an absence of trust. Trust is arguably a more
    fundamental requirement for good policing than for ‘good soldiering’, as
    policing is premised upon ongoing, civil relationships with local people in
    which mutual understanding and cooperation keeps both the use of force
    or its threatened use to a tolerable minimum. Military forces, by contrast,
    tend to have limited engagements with local people and to rely more upon
    threat or use of overwhelming force to secure their objectives. As policing
    increasingly features in international peacekeeping missions, often working
    alongside military forces, how police officers can establish trust becomes an
    important practical issue.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationTrust in International Police and Justice Cooperation
    EditorsSaskia Hufnagel, Carole McCartney
    PublisherHart Publishing
    Number of pages26
    ISBN (Electronic)9781509911301
    ISBN (Print)9781849467681
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2017

    Publication series

    NameOñati International Series in Law and Society


    • Police accountability
    • trust
    • police force


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