'It makes you get up in the morning': older adults' perceptions of 'active ingredients' for engagement in activity programs

Ruth Walker, Tim Windsor, Julia Turner-Scott, Irene Belperio

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


Many interventions designed to promote meaningful activity engagement among older adults have been trialled. Unfortunately, lack of efficacy data for these interventions has meant that there is often a limited understanding as to the ‘active ingredients’ that have contributed to intervention success or otherwise. This study examined the experiences of older adults who do/do not engage in formal activity programs, in particular what they perceived to be the most and least effective aspects of such programs, and what may encourage or reduce engagement.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2020
EventAustralian Association of Gerontology National Conference -
Duration: 18 Nov 202020 Nov 2020


ConferenceAustralian Association of Gerontology National Conference


  • meaningful activity
  • Activity engagement
  • older adults
  • Social engagement
  • activity programmes
  • South Australia


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