'Judicial Work and AV Use: Perceptions from Australian Courts'

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Use of technology significantly impacts the nature and volume of judicial work and consequently the expectations placed on judicial officers. While there are potential workload efficiencies in the use of audio-visual (‘AV’) links in Australian courts, the increasing dependence on technology may run counter to other important developments, notably procedural justice and therapeutic jurisprudence, which recognise and valorise the interactive nature of judicial work, especially sentencing in criminal cases. Analysing perceptions of AV technology use in courts creates a clearer picture of its benefits and disadvantages for judicial work, particularly in light of expectations of direct personal engagement in modern, technologically-augmented Australian courts.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)691-716
Number of pages26
JournalOnati Socio-Legal Series
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Audio-Visual Links
  • Courts
  • Judicial Work


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