Kikirriu Dan Walmai Project: Progress Report 1: October 2023 to February 2024

Karla Canuto, Jaquelyne Hughes, Katie Cundale, Candice Liddy-Stokes

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


Kikirriu Dan Walmai (KDW) is community lead initiative to restore health to Malulgal (the people of the near west cluster, Torres Strait). KDW honours cultural protocol and acknowledges the leadership and responsibility of Kuiku Mabaigal (Head people). KDW has two primary priorities: 1) to advocate for a dialysis unit to be built on Badu Island for Malulgal, so people do not have to relocate to Waibene or mainland Australia to receive treatment; 2) To prevent and manage chronic diseases such as diabetes and chronic kidney disease by restoring health across Malulgau.

Community members expressed the importance of keeping families at home and considered its impact on the family unit. They want the young to stay on the Island with their families and a dialysis unit on Badu Island would positively impact future generations by keeping families together. Additionally, a dialysis unit on Badu Island could provide opportunities for families receiving dialysis elsewhere to be able to visit the area if the Badu dialysis unit could offer ‘holiday dialysis’ (short-term dialysis) to facilitate cultural protocols.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages24
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2024


  • Dialysis units, Torres Strait Islanders, Indigenous communities, Remote communities


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