Knowledge Transfer and Contemporary High-Skilled Mobility Between Italy and Australia

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    This special edition is the result of a collaborative and comparative Italo-Australian project that considers issues linked to highly educated skilled international labour mobility between two first world countries: Italy and Australia. It focuses on contemporary issues associated with both historic and current migrations between these two countries. It looks beyond the traditional and clichéd notions associated with the post-war Italian migration phenomenon to Australia, and explores the contemporary socio-political, economic and cultural context of professional mobility and knowledge transfer. Under these umbrella concepts, this introductory piece proposes the argument that highskilled mobility between the two countries is still seen through a lens that is heavily influenced by an imperialist view of past migratory flows from Italy to Australia. Such migration was largely dominated by unskilled Italians in search of opportunities that did not exist in post-WW2 Italy (Castles, 1992). Although the nature and type of migration has changed, and a reversed mobility flow is part of this more complex picture, the hegemonic view of Italo-Australian migration shades the way the issue is approached in contemporary Italy and Australia. This special edition aims to shed light on this new wave of human mobility, proposing to add a more constructive nuance to the narrative by reframing these flows as opportunities for knowledge transfer.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)53-59
    Number of pages7
    JournalInternational Migration
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2014


    • labour mobility
    • professional mobility
    • knowledge transfer


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