Legal Implications Of Predictive Data

Claire Devenney, Christopher Mills, Tania Leiman

Research output: Other contributionpeer-review

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Big data refers to ‘high-volume, high-velocity, and/or high-variety information assets that require new forms of processing to enable enhanced decision making, insight discovery and process optimization.’1Rapidly increasing computing capacity now gives rise to the possibility of applying algorithms,machine learning and other forms of artificial intelligence to aggregate and analyse extremely large sets of both structured and unstructured data to generate new types of predictive data. This technological capacity has emerged only recently, creating new opportunities and new concerns. Strategic direction, policy and decisions in both public and private sectors increasingly adopt a data-driven, evidence-based approach. Predictions generated by big data analysis might thus be used to inform decisions at both community and individual levels about provision of access to resources such as insurance services, banking services, employment, accommodation, credit, educational opportunities, health care and government benefits. It may also form the basis for decisions in the criminal justice system2, migration, and licensing. India's Aadhaar program, the world's largest biometric database containing the personal details of an estimated 1.2 billion Indian citizens, is just one example of the huge amount and type of data which may now be collected.
Original languageEnglish
TypeSubmissions received for Issues Paper on Human Rights and Technology (July 2018) (AHRC)
Place of PublicationAHRC Website
Publication statusPublished - 2018

Bibliographical note

© Australian Human Rights Commission 2018.The Australian Human Rights Commission encourages the dissemination and exchange of information presented in this publication and endorses the use of the Australian Governments Open Access and Licensing Framework (AusGOAL).All material presented in this publication is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence, with the exception of:• photographs and images;• the Commission’s logo, any branding or trademarks;• where otherwise indicated.To view a copy of this licence, visit essence, you are free to copy, communicate and adapt the publication, as long as you attribute the Australian Human Rights Commission and abide by the other licence terms.Please give attribution to: © Australian Human Rights Commission 2018.Human Rights and Technology Issues Paper 2018ISBN: 978-1-921449-91-8


  • big data analysis
  • predictive data
  • biometric databases


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