Life at School in Australia and Japan: The Impact of Stress and Support on Bullying and Adaptation to School

Rosalind Murray-Harvey, Phillip Slee, Judith Saebel, Mitsuru Taki

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    In this study path analysis was used to examine eight different aspects of Japanese and Australian students' experiences of school life in relation to their effect on adaptation to school. Adaptation was conceptualized in terms of enjoyment of school, feelings of belonging to school, and relationships with other students. Data from over 3000 Australian and over 5000 Japanese students (Years 5-10) were collected to test two country specific models of adaptation to school. A questionnaire was developed collaboratively by the authors to examine issues of common concern in both countries. Issues that related to the impact on adaptation to school of stress and support, namely, family, teachers, peers, and school work, as well as bullying, were of particular interest. Lack of support and the effect of stress were found to affect adaptation to school negatively, especially among high school students in Australia and Japan. The finding of a strong relationship between bullying others and
    victimization is discussed in the paper. Finally, the differences and similarities between Japanese and Australian students' perceptions of school are extrapolated.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages20
    Publication statusPublished - 2001
    EventAARE Annual Conference 2001 -
    Duration: 2 Dec 2001 → …


    ConferenceAARE Annual Conference 2001
    Period2/12/01 → …


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