Life at the Salty Edge of Empire: The Maritime Cultural Landscape at the Orange Saltpan on Bonaire, 1821–1960

Ruud Stelten, Konrad Antczak

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The early modern history of the Dutch Caribbean island of Bonaire has to a large extent been influenced by its most valuable resource: solar salt. Through a multidisciplinary approach combining a landscape study, underwater and terrestrial archaeological surveys, and documentary research, the maritime cultural landscape of Bonaire’s southernmost saltpan is analyzed holistically, revealing new aspects of the lives of the people who lived and toiled there.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)543–573
Number of pages31
JournalInternational Journal of Historical Archaeology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • Slavery
  • Solar salt
  • Maritime cultural landscape
  • Bonaire


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