title = "Light-adapted ERG differences in autism spectrum disorder",
abstract = "Purpose: To determine if retinal signals measured using the lightadaptedERG (LA ERG) differ in size or timing in young people withautism spectrum disorder (ASD), a neurodevelopmental disorder.Methods: LA ERGs were recorded from 90 ASD individuals, meanage 13.0 ± 4.2 years, and compared with those from a control groupof 87 individuals, mean age 13.8 ± 4.8 years. A Troland based,random nine-step, full-field LA ERG flash series and the ISCEVstandard LA3 was performed on both eyes of each subject using theRETeval (LKC Technologies Inc, Gaithersburg, MD, USA) at 2/s, ona 30 cd.m-2 white background. The timing and amplitudes of the aandb-waves, and the ratio of b:a amplitude produced by each flashstrength were measured. Mathematical models of the photopic hillfunction using a sum of Gaussian (representing OFF-bipolar cellinput) and logistic functions (representing ON-bipolar cell input), asdetailed by Hamilton et al. (Vision Res 2007,47:2968–72) and randomeffects statistical analysis were carried out to compare the retinalresponses between the two groups. Each subject contributed datafrom one eye.Results: LA b-wave amplitudes were smaller in the ASD group, mostmarkedly at higher flash strengths, 13 and 16 cd.s.m-2 (p\0.004)with slower b-wave time to peaks (p = 0.001). The ON-bipolar cellinput to the photopic hill was significantly different between groupsand a higher flash strength was required by the ASD group to attainthe photopic hill maxima (p\.001).Conclusion: Retinal signals differ in young people with ASD.Smaller LA b-waves noted at high flash strengths appear associatedwith an altered ON-bipolar input. The results from this large studysupport the potential of using the ERG to quantify differences in theCNS in neurodevelopmental conditions.Acknowledgment: The authors would like to thank the participantsand their families for their support and Quentin Davis and JoshuaSantosa of LKC Technologies for programming the RETeval customprotocol.Financial support: Alan B Slifka Foundation; National Institute ofHealth U19 MH108206; National Institute for Health R01MH100173; The Gilbert Trust, UCLA.",
keywords = "Light, ERG, Autism Spectrum Disorder",
author = "Constable, {Paul A.} and Ritvo, {Edward R} and Ritvo, {Ariella R} and Lee, {Irene O} and McNair, {Morgan L} and Dylan Stahl and Jane Sowden and Steve Quinn and Skuse, {David H} and McPartland, {James C} and Thompson, {Dorothy A}",
year = "2019",
month = oct,
day = "31",
language = "English",
pages = "S20",
note = "57th Annual Symposium of the International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV 2019), Seoul, Korea, 7–10 October 2019 ; Conference date: 07-10-2019 Through 10-10-2019",
url = "http://iscev2019.com/",