Living with Down Syndrome

Manuel Guerrero (Editor), Roy I. Brown (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportAnthologypeer-review


This book, first written in Spanish under the title: Vivir con Síndrome de Down, is now being promoted in English. The book was first proposed by Manuel as he was concerned about his grandson with Down syndrome and asked Roy to help him put together a book which would help parents and other primary carers to obtain user friendly and accurate information about Down syndrome. It is also relevant to students. It has already sold over 200 copies in Spanish in countries such as Mexico. The English version has been seen as valuable and relevant in developing countries such as Nigeria.

As Editors we called on a number of colleagues to write chapters. There are 8 contributors, 6 of whom have relatives with developmental disabilities including 3 with Down syndrome. There are relevant Forewords by Phil Davidson, then President of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Developmental Disability; Balbir Singh, Past President , Trustee, Down syndrome International Advisor; Fernando del Rio Emeritus and Distinguished Professor Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa.

The chapter authors are very familiar with Down syndrome and their families. There are description regarding our knowledge of Down syndrome and practical examples for support and assistance across the lifespan. Included are stories about people with Down syndrome and how they progressed over the years and finally a Photographic Essay about their lives.

The authors, from Australia, Canada, Mexico, Spain, UK and USA, have attempted to cover the life span making use of current information and personal experience.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherKindle Direct Publishing
Number of pages307
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Down Syndrome
  • families of children with disabilities
  • disability support
  • primary carers


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