Manufacturing work by design: Pillars of successful integration of Industry 4.0 technology into jobs

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


The introduction of new technology can be a time of excitement and trepidation for a business and its workers. A business case may be developed to determine the value proposition, the benefits and return on investment. There may be significant cost and, depending on the size of the technology, changes to the layout of the factory or office will be considered or made. When businesses plan for technology adoption, they focus attention primarily on the ‘kit’ and what is required to put it in place. There is often less emphasis on the users of that technology. However, people (workers, staff)have a critical role to play in the success of any technology – particularly when it is new.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationSouth Australia
PublisherAustralian Industrial Transformation Institute
Number of pages32
ISBN (Electronic)9780645238457
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2022


  • Industry 4.0 technology
  • Business change
  • Task composition
  • Organisational culture


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