Mosby's Pocketbook of Mental Health

Eimear Muir-Cochrane, Patricia Barkway, Debra Nizette

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    Mosby’s Pocketbook of Mental Health 2nd Edition written by leading professional nurses and academics, Professor Eimear Muir-Cochrane, Patricia Barkway and Debra Nizette, is a convenient reference guide for nursing students and health professionals required to respond to individuals in crisis.

    This user-friendly pocket guide from Muir-Cochrane, Barkway and Nizette delivers practical strategies and skills for nursing students and professionals, general practitioners, paramedics, police and allied health workers to implement. With a focus on social inclusion, recovery, culture and the promotion of consumer rights, this mental health textbook plays a pivotal guide for holistic modern health care practices.

    Benefit from the updated content of Mosby’s Pocketbook of Mental Health 2nd Edition, which features a new opening chapter, the latest research and evidence (including the recently released National Practice Standards), tips for a successful clinical placement and guidance on psychiatric medications.

    Muir-Cochrane, Barkway and Nizette have delivered an exemplary mental health textbook that provides students and professional nurses with helpful "dos and don’ts" and "what to do" in commonly encountered medical circumstances
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationChatswood, New South Wales, Australia
    PublisherElsevier Australia
    Number of pages203
    ISBN (Electronic)9780729582247
    ISBN (Print)9780729541909
    Publication statusPublished - 30 May 2014


    • Mental health
    • assessment
    • practice
    • medications
    • therapies


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