Multiple-field Systems Dynamic Modeling, Part IV: Fluid-Structure-Interaction Physical Coupling

Amir Zanj, Fangpo He

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    In this study, a new fundamental modeling framework for coupling the solid and fluid fields is proposed with which the system dynamics are generated with respect to the internal energetic interactions between the system existing physical domains. To this aim, the physical-decomposition modeling techniques, developed respectively for the solid [1] and fluid [2] fields, are implemented. By considering the conserved power transactions between the two fields, the reversible and irreversible intra-connections are then generated. Owing to the domain-independency of the generated models, the total conserved power transactions between the two fields are defined distinguishably from the power transactions of the corresponding physical domains of the two fields in the form of handshaking. This strategy broadens the physical insights of power transactions in fluid-structure-interaction (FSI) investigations. The added capabilities of the proposed framework provide a novel feature into the FSI dynamic modelling that can, not only, broaden the valid range of the ensuring model but, more importantly, offer a unique opportunity for capturing and revealing the unknown FSI phenomena previously hidden using existing classical physical knowledge.

    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages5
    Publication statusPublished - 14 Sept 2017
    EventThe 8th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering -
    Duration: 22 Jul 2017 → …


    ConferenceThe 8th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    Period22/07/17 → …


    • Bond graph
    • dynamic coupling
    • energy-based modeling
    • FSI problems
    • physical modeling


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