Novel material and structural design for large-scale marine protective devices

Ang Qiu, Wei Lin, Yong Ma, Chengbi Zhao, Youhong Tang

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    9 Citations (Scopus)


    Large-scale protective devices must endure the impact of severe forces, large structural deformation, the increased stress and strain rate effects, and multiple coupling effects. In evaluation of the safety of conceptual design through simulation, several key parameters considered in this research are maximum impact force, energy dissipated by the impactor (e.g. a ship) and energy absorbed by the device and the impactor stroke. During impact, the main function of the ring beam structure is to resist and buffer the impact force between ship and bridge pile caps, which could guarantee that the magnitude of impact force meets the corresponding requirements. The means of improving anti-collision performance can be to increase the strength of the beam section or to exchange the steel material with novel fiber reinforced polymer laminates. The main function of the buoyancy tank is to absorb and transfer the ship's kinetic energy through large plastic deformation, damage, or friction occurring within itself. The energy absorption effect can be improved by structure optimization or by the use of new sandwich panels. Structural and material optimization schemes are proposed on the basis of conceptual design in this research, and protective devices constructed of sandwich panels prove to have the best anti-collision performance.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)29-41
    Number of pages13
    JournalMaterials and Design
    Publication statusPublished - 5 Mar 2015


    • Anti-collision assessment
    • Novel material
    • Optimization design
    • Protective device
    • Ship collisions


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