
Zac Rogers

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Governments under the neoliberal veil have become janitors for tech billionaires. When the state can’t or won’t pay to clean up, the mess falls to citizen-consumers, who become wards of disorder by default. The growing disorder engenders yet greater dependence on the magic dust of big tech, even as the detritus it produces grows on the vines of democracy everywhere. How did this happen? And what would it take to subvert?
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCraigburn Farm, SA
PublisherThe Circus Bazaar Company
Number of pages182
ISBN (Print)978-0-6450037-03
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Governments
  • neoliberal
  • citizen-consumers
  • Humanism
  • post-human science
  • social engineering


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