Parents have just started their own school in Sydney – this is part of a long tradition in Australia

Nigel Howard, Andrew Bills

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Last week, The Australian newspaper reported some parents have been prompted to start their own schools to give their children the type of education they want.

One of these is Hartford College in Sydney, a new Catholic school with an emphasis on the liberal arts, including classical literature, languages and philosophy. It has about 22 students enrolled and the founding parents say they want to engage the “whole” child and will have mentors for each student.

Previously when we think of parents taking their child’s education into their own hands, we may think of homeschooling (which is certainly growing in Australia).

But there is a long tradition of parents and local communities starting their own schools if they feel what’s on offer is not suiting their families’ needs.


  • Education Leadership
  • School Belonging
  • School Design


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