Peer-mentoring and clinical supervision as career development strategies for health professionals working with children

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Peer-mentoring and clinical supervision are two strategies that support health professionals’ critical reflection and professional development towards defined career goals. This discussion paper presents our experiences of peer-mentoring and clinical supervision. We explore how these approaches can benefit professional and career development and summarise how to address potential key challenges. Two case studies are presented. Firstly, LL and BJ reflect on their experience of a peer-mentoring partnership, noting the multidisciplinary nature of the partnership as a key strength of the experience. Secondly, RP reflects on her near 20 years of experience with clinical supervision, highlighting the power of group supervision and development of solution-oriented communication that inform high quality practice. While our experiences have been positive, there are several considerations to mitigate challenges that can arise in peer-mentoring and clinical supervision, such as mentee or supervisor fit, differing expectations, and resource/logistical issues. Whether participating in peer-mentoring or clinical supervision, all health professionals can benefit from sharing
insights and empathy with a trusted colleague.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4-9
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Children and Young People's Health
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2022


  • Education
  • clinical supervision
  • health professional
  • nursing
  • peer-mentoring


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