Perpetration and Victimization Prevalence for Intimate Partner Violence in the Australian-Muslim Community

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Intimate partner violence (IPV) prevalence has not been estimated among the Australian-Muslim community. This information is needed for evidence-based interventions to be implemented. To address this gap, this study provides initial estimates for prevalence of IPV perpetration and victimization among a community sample of Australian-Muslims using the Revises Conflict Tactics Scale. The study utilised a crosssectional questionnaire with a community sample, aged 18 to 74, and living in South East Queensland, Australia to collect data. From the 271 respondents of the study, findings indicate annual perpetration of 24% for physical-assault, 26% sexual coercion, 14% injury, and 65% psychological aggression. The findings also indicate annual victimization rates of 27% for physical assault, 28% sexual coercion, 10% injury and 67% psychological aggression. Though most acts were less severe in nature (7% severe physical assault, 2% severe sexual coercion and 5% severe injury), the study provides initial IPV prevalence estimates for the Australian-Muslim community and requires appropriate cultural and faith based strategies to address this issue in the Muslim community whilst being grounded in the Australian social context.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)432-460
Number of pages29
JournalPartner Abuse
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • Australian-Muslims emotional abuse and control (including stalking, sexual coercion)
  • domestic violence
  • intimate partner violence
  • partner abuse in ethnic minority populations
  • prevalence and characteristics of partner abuse


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