Political economy of covid-19: Extractive, regressive, competitive

Jesse B. Bump, Fran Baum, Milin Sakornsin, Robert Yates, Karen Hofman

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    The common challenge of covid-19 has produced very different outcomes around the world, leading to many questions about the determinants of national performance and shortcomings in global performance. Problems of reporting and standards do not make precise comparisons easy, but few would disagree that the roughly 1400 deaths reported by South Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam together represent far better results than the roughly 700000 deaths reported by Brazil, the United Kingdom, and the United States.1Adjusting these figures for population—the first group has about a third of the citizens of the second group—does not explain why covid-19 mortality differs by a factor of nearly 500. Neither typical proxy measures such as gross national income per capita nor national rankings on the 2019 Global Health Security Index have any meaningful association with performance on covid-19.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article numbern73
    Number of pages4
    JournalThe BMJ
    Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 22 Jan 2021


    • Covid-19
    • Political economy of health
    • racial discrimination
    • National performance indicators
    • global performance
    • marginalisation


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