Pre-operative virtual three-dimensional planning for proximal humerus fractures: A proof-of-concept study

Reinier W.A. Spek, Michel P.J. van den Bekerom, Paul C. Jutte, Frank F.A. IJpma, Ruurd L. Jaarsma, Job N. Doornberg, the Traumaplatform 3D Consortium

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Purpose: To (1) evaluate surgeon agreement on plating features (position and screw length) in virtual 3D planning software, (2) describe outcomes (fracture reduction, plate position, malpositioning of calcar screws and screw lengths) of plate fixations planned with routine pre-operative assessment (2D- and 3D CT imaging) and those planned with dedicated virtual 3D software of the same proximal humerus fracture. 

Methods: Fourteen proximal humerus fractures were retrospectively reduced and fixed with virtual planning software by eight attending orthopaedic surgeons and compared to the true surgical fixation with post-operative computed tomography (CT) scans. Reduction differences were quantified using CT micromotion analysis. 

Results: Intraclass correlation for screw lengths was 0.97 (95% CI: 0.96–0.98) and 0.90 (95% CI: 0.79–0.96) for plate position. Mean difference in total fracture rotation of the head between the virtual and conventional group was 22.0°. Plate position in the virtual planning group was 3.2 mm more proximal. There were no differences in inferomedial quadrant calcar screw positioning and, apart from the superior posterior converging screw, no significant differences in screw lengths. 

Conclusion: Reproducibility on plate position and screw length with virtual planning software is adequate. Apart from fracture reduction, virtual planning yielded similar plate positions, screw malpositioning rates and lengths compared to routine pre-operative assessment.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)397-406
Number of pages10
JournalShoulder and Elbow
Issue number4
Early online date27 Feb 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 27 Feb 2024


  • 3D virtual planning
  • calcar screws
  • CT micromotion analysis
  • plate position
  • proximal humerus fractures
  • reduction
  • screw lengths
  • surgical planning


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