Printing and Coating Techniques for Scalable Organic Photovoltaic Fabrication

Bradley P. Kirk, Jonas M. Bjuggren, Gunther G. Andersson, Paul Dastoor, Mats R. Andersson

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Within recent years, there has been an increased interest towards organic photovoltaics (OPVs), especially with their significant device performance reaching beyond 19% since 2022. With these advances in the device performance of laboratory-scaled OPVs, there has also been more attention directed towards using printing and coating methods that are compatible with large-scale fabrication. Though large-area (>100 cm2) OPVs have reached an efficiency of 15%, this is still behind that of laboratory-scale OPVs. There also needs to be more focus on determining strategies for improving the lifetime of OPVs that are suitable for scalable manufacturing, as well as methods for reducing material and manufacturing costs. In this paper, we compare several printing and coating methods that are employed to fabricate OPVs, with the main focus towards the deposition of the active layer. This includes a comparison of performances at laboratory (<1 cm2), small (1–10 cm2), medium (10–100 cm2), and large (>100 cm2) active area fabrications, encompassing devices that use scalable printing and coating methods for only the active layer, as well as “fully printed/coated” devices. The article also compares the research focus of each of the printing and coating techniques and predicts the general direction that scalable and large-scale OPVs will head towards.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2511
Number of pages42
Issue number11
Early online date23 May 2024
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2024


  • organic photovoltaics
  • printing and coating
  • scalability


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