Quality improvement initiative: Implementing routine vertebral fracture assessments into an Australian Fracture Liaison Service

Leanne Greene, Deval Shah, Kate Laver, Kirrily Holton, Kisani Manuel, Bogda Bajger

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Osteoporosis is a global health concern and a major contributor to worldwide mortality rates. Vertebral fractures due to osteoporosis are common and often undetected. Since vertebral fractures are often missed, evidence and guidelines suggest that vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) may optimise current approaches to bone density tests. We aimed to integrate VFA into an Australian Fracture Liaison Service (FLS) and measure the impact it had on osteoporosis treatment initiation. A retrospective case note review was undertaken to determine the number of clinic patients receiving VFA before the change in practice. Proctor's seven domains of implementation strategy were used to facilitate quality improvement outcomes. The percentage of eligible patients receiving a routine VFA at the FLS imaging centre increased from 0% to 90%. The remaining 10% of patients did not receive a scan due to the patient not being able to assume the correct position, skilled staff being unavailable to perform the scan, or the patient declining. Post implementation, almost half (41%) of patients who underwent a VFA displayed abnormalities and 16 (4%) of these recorded a normal bone measure density score but abnormal VFA. Despite the successful adoption of the new screening protocol, there was no statistically significant increase in treatment initiation rates for patients with normal bone mass density scores. The FLS successfully integrated routine VFA into the osteoporosis care pathway. However, the introduction of VFA did not significantly increase treatment initiation. It may be more effective to offer VFAs to a proportion of patients based on a tailored approach rather than offering them routinely to all patients who access the FLS.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere002303
Number of pages7
JournalBMJ Open Quality
Issue numberSuppl 2
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2023


  • Diagnosis
  • Implementation science
  • Patient-centred care
  • Quality improvement


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